Work Life Happiness – Stake Your Claim Now

Lately I’ve been fascinated with the short, but sometimes challenging, journey between possibility and probability.

Possibility holds the energy of hope. Possible means it could happen.

Probability holds the energy of optimism and a more confident expectation. Probable means it’s likely to happen.

How do you move from possibility to probability?

While in the pursuit of work life happiness, fulfillment and freedom, we sometimes pause too long in a hopeful state of analysis paralysis. Often we aren’t even aware of where we are – so really we are lost. When lost, we fall prey to states of delay, doubt and confusion.

Here’s a simple way to locate where you are in any meaningful pursuit. I’ve dubbed it the Authentic Cycle of Probability.

Cycle of Authentic Probability

We can’t claim we’re lost when we know where we are. Identifying where you are on this cycle will allow you to remove excuses and focus all of your energy on the next obvious step.

We forget that any movement works. Too often we put our lives on pause because we seek the magical, and elusive, state of certainty. By staking your claim on this map of probability, you’ll tilt the odds of completion in your favor.

  1. Discovery is going within to explore and unearth our core passions.
  2. Decision is a bold declaration of intent on a clear and meaningful objective.
  3. Focus is laser-like concentration on that objective.
  4. Massive Inspired Action is engaging a variety of fierce and creative actions to manifest your objective.
  5. Momentum is energy gained by the movement of following through.
  6. Gratitude is the causative energy of appreciation that blesses us with ease and greater flow.
  7. Celebration is self-acknowledgment and recognition for successfully completing every small step.
  8. Completion is the triumphant achievement of our objective and our signal to proceed forward to the freshness of discovery.

At completion we can honor ourselves by pausing in fulfillment, gratitude and celebration – as long as we feel really good about it. We only need rest and relief when we are toiling in some unaligned, meaningless realm. If we are shooting for the right moon and hitting it, then the energy of completion organically causes us to discover our next mark.

For a different look at deciding where you are read: Are You Sure You’re on the Right Path?

So, at what stage on the cycle of probability do you find yourself today?

Are you consciously working on an intentionally chosen and meaningful objective? Or are you toiling in struggle making someone else rich?

If the latter, what are you going to do about it?

You’ll more surely hit the mark by identifying where you are. In your comments, please stake your claim on greater work life fulfillment, happiness, abundance and freedom by letting us know you where you are.

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14 Responses to “Work Life Happiness – Stake Your Claim Now”

  1. Karl Staib - Your Happiness Matters Says:

    I like how you explain going from possibility to probability. It’s amazing how the inner dialog in our own head will determine how we accomplish goals.

    I’m on my way to career freedom through my blog and my creative thoughts. It’s not easy to transition for working for someone else and that’s why I’m still with my company. I’ve put the wheels in motion and that’s what matters to me.

    Where are you in your greater work life?

  2. Fawn Says:

    Brilliant. Just what I needed at just the right moment!

    Thank you,


  3. Kelly@SHE-POWER Says:

    That is an incredibly helpful diagram. I thumbed this up AND saved it to delicious. Really great article and reference and just what I needed right now


  4. Tom Volkar / Delightful Work Says:

    @Karl congratulations for declaring yourself on the journey to work life freedom. That is more than half the battle. I checked out your blog and found your writing clear and useful.

    Thanks for asking about my journey to work life freedom. I’ve been self-employed for 35 years so I’ve enjoyed my freedom for a long while. Yet there are always adjustments to make. Sometimes I’ll need to work on greater fulfillment or greater prosperity even though I have the freedom of self-determination. Right now I’m in a really good place. I’m enjoying the natural expansion of expression that comes with blogging.

    @Fawn I’m pleased this was useful for you. The best wisdom arrives right when we are most ready to see it. Just keep finding where you are on the chart and that will show you the openings for then next stage.

    @Kelly thanks so much for the recognition and stumble. I find this chart very helpful as well. It’s so easy to get off track and become lost. Using this guide we can identify the next step and keep on rolling.

  5. Peter Ayers Says:


    You introduced this concept to the group you invited two weeks ago. I noted the steps you outlined and found them very powerful to move me from possibility to probabliity. This post does an even better job of describing this process. I love your graphic.

    I’m well along on my cycle and looking forward to rapid completion and celebration.

    Thanks for sharing this insite with all of us.


  6. Kay Grace Says:

    I can’t say enough about how helpful this is. I’ve printed it and posted it where I will see it all the time. I am currently in the Massive Inspired Action phase, and cannot wait to see what I will do next!
    Thank you,

  7. Mike Says:

    This is a very useful structure.
    What I particularly like is that it is chunked down into sufficiently many easily-recognizable headings.
    I’m in the Massive Inspired Action phase,and got there to a great extent with the help of your Unconditional Support group recently.
    Since I’m often involved with a number of projects at a time I will be using this both to keep track of “where I am in general” and where I am on specific projects.
    It is important to Celebrate and Complete in order to be able to release energy for the next inspiring project.

    I think you could consider expanding entry in order to exemplify how people have used the model, the success they have had when using it, and maybe some more explanation of how to move from one phase to he next.


  8. Jonathan Mead Says:

    This is a great structure Tom. It always helps to have something to visualize the process. Unless we define it, it’s hard to measure it.

    For me the two biggest aspects of possibility turned into probability are definition and focus.

  9. Clem Gigliotti Jr Says:

    Analysis paralysis! I love it. If we wait to wrap our brain around everything before we act, we’ll miss the boat. How true!

  10. Pat R Says:

    Tom – Good post. It helps to see a graph of the cycle of possibility turned into probability. I think I’m on the Massive Inspiring Action leg. It makes me think of a quote I once saw on a bulletin board. I’m not sure who the quote is from (St. Francis of Assisi??):

    Start by doing what’s necessary
    Then do what’s possible
    Suddenly, you’re doing the impossible

  11. Tom Volkar / Delightful Work Says:

    @Peter yes the power resides in the definiteness of knowing where we are so we can clearly see and seize the next step.

    @Kay massive inspired action is a very fun place to be. That’s what most employees just don’t get as they drag themselves through the day. When we are working from inspiration it’s just like when we were kids. We used to happily fly from activity to activity with no concern for results.

    @Mike thanks for the sound suggestions. You have me thinking again. 🙂

    @Jonathan yes those two are key to really get the whole cycle moving. Yet I really believe that every stage is equally important. Too many do not respect celebration for example. But celebration is what allows us to actually compound the results that we get.

    @Clem I’m glad you liked that but I can’t take credit. I have no idea who came up with that term. I do know that I’ve missed too many boats waiting for something that never arrived. I wait no more.

    @Pat thanks for that quote. Yes doing what we can right now is key. There is always something that is possible to do and we move into the realm of probability by doing it. Congrats on being in the massive inspired action state. No wonder there’s a major shift going on these days. With all this action even collective consciousness is affected.

  12. Slade | Shift Your Spirits Says:

    Excellent graphic diagram, Tom!

    The fact that it is circular speaks volumes…

  13. Tom Volkar / Delightful Work Says:

    Slade I’ve been looking at this cycle a lot lately. Since it’s a cycle of authentic probability I’ve found that if I’m not on there somewhere then I’m not being authentic or I’m probably not even working. 🙂

  14. Massive Inspired Action - a Recipe for Success « Delightful Work Says:

    […] might recall from an earlier post that this is the fourth stage in my Authentic Cycle of Probability. So, first make sure you’ve run your dream or project through the first three stages, discovery, […]

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